
Five Benefits of the Virtual Agency

Alex Wagner
Oct 12, 2022 / 5 min read

Across industries, remote, and hybrid work arrangements have fundamentally transformed the workplace with advances in technology and a series of global lockdowns ushering in a more flexible and virtual approach to work. While the pandemic may have spurred this paradigm shift, remote work is here to stay, and with it comes the opportunity to push the boundaries of how we work and break the agency mold. With no physical office, the virtual agency can leverage its global reach to better serve and champion all those who dare to change the physical and virtual worlds we inhabit.

At Trilligent, we believe the virtual agency is the blueprint for the future of work – a truly global, collaborative, and courageous network, ready to venture into the digital frontier. If you’re ready to think big and unlock new opportunities, here are five benefits of the virtual agency we believe will help drive transformation.

Remote workers are happier

While the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the need for remote work, as early as 2009, research by tech firm Cisco found that 80% of its employees reported an improved quality of life when hybrid working. With improved internet infrastructure and software like Zoom and Microsoft Teams, remote workers are now on average 20% happier than their non-remote counterparts. It is perhaps unsurprising then that in 2022, 97% of remote workers said they would recommend virtual work, with increased flexibility, greater work life balance, and a reduction in commuting time and expenses improving overall quality of life. To further maximize the benefits of remote work, Trilligent’s Curiosity Days allow the team to explore their passions and challenge their view of the world away from their workspace. From attending networking events, to foraying into the metaverse, we don’t just see the opportunities in the digital frontier, we actively create them, spearheading new opportunities for our clients and strengthening our expertise of the digital world.

The virtual agency is a productive agency

The virtual agency isn’t just a happier agency, it’s also more productive. Research by Catalyst found that remote work options can not only lead to lower rates of employee burnout, but actually improve productivity. A joint project by the University of Chicago, MIT, Stanford University and international partners found that across 27 countries, working from home boosted productivity, with 40% of US respondents admitting they would seek a new job if their employers required a full return to the worksite. McKinsey’s American Opportunity Survey also found that in the US alone, after greater pay and better career opportunities, the third most popular reason motivating workers to look for a new job was flexible working arrangements. With increased employee retention, and improved quality of life, the verdict is in; remote work is here to stay, and that benefits everybody.

Gearing up for the future

The world around us is constantly changing and the need for agility and resilience has never been greater. As a virtual agency, Trilligent can adapt to client needs around the world, utilizing its global network of experts to add value to client projects across areas of expertise from crisis management and strategic communications to media relations and stakeholder engagement. While traditional agencies may struggle to adapt to new technologies, held back by outdated tools and working structures, the virtual agency thrives on finding new and innovative ways to collaborate, fueled by its passion for pushing the boundaries and the latest tech trends. While some struggle to connect to Zoom, Trilligent is already launching its presence in the metaverse, ready to unlock a new world of opportunity. The virtual agency is future proof, not just adapting to the changing world, but paving the way for change itself.

A sustainable way forward

With consumers growing more conscious of environmental sustainability, and expecting more from their favorite brands, the virtual agency not only maximizes its own efficiency, but is ready to utilize the latest digital technology to confront the world’s most pressing issues. Studies by Breathe London showed that at the height of lockdown in the UK, emissions reduced by 25% during morning commuting hours, and by 34% in the evening. If employees were able to remote work just half of the time, the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions is estimated to be 54 million tons, the equivalent to taking 10 million cars off the road. Remote work has also been shown to reduce demand on public transport infrastructure, and can even lead to a decline in plastic consumption while innovation facilitated by the virtual agency, from extended reality to metaverse platforms, can help create a more efficient and sustainable world for all.

An inclusive space

Above all else, the flexibility of remote work allows the virtual agency to be inclusive, diversifying its talent pool and accommodating the needs of people regardless of their background or circumstances. Catalyst, a non-profit focusing on advancing women in the workplace, found that women working remotely with childcare responsibilities are 32% less likely to intend to leave their job compared to women without access to remote work, while research by WHF reported that women placed a higher value on working from home. From improved accessibility to greater flexibility for childcare or caring responsibilities, Trilligent is a virtual agency driven by its people, utilizing the collective power of the diverse voices that challenges us and push us every day to Think Big. Act Accordingly.